CLOSED :: Two Calls for Proposals for OUTA 2016
Call for Proposals - Open
OUTA is seeking proposals for workshops, roundtables, presentations, panels, and other sessions that engage conference participants on the topic of sexual violence prevention on university campuses. We welcome contributions from students, researchers, university staff, university administrators, community organizations, and anyone else dedicated to ending sexual violence and addressing rape culture on campus.
Proposed sessions should be 50 minutes in duration, and correspond to one of the three conference themes: Institutional Models of Prevention; Effective Prevention Programming; and Imagining Connections and Building Relationships to End Sexual Violence. In selecting sessions to include in the conference program, OUTA’s steering committee will prioritize proposals that demonstrate a plan to engage in an intersectional, anti-racist, anti-oppressive analysis of sexual violence and sexual violence prevention.
Please complete and submit the proposal form to by July 1, 2016. Please note that these sessions will take place in the afternoon on the second day of the conference, August 11th.
Call for Proposals - Student Presentations
In addition to this open call for proposals, OUTA is seeking university student activists and organizations to present on a panel dedicated to showcasing student-led advocacy and coalition-building initiatives aimed at ending sexual violence on campuses. We want to hear about how you are organizing on your campus to challenge rape culture, build community, and advocate for systemic change at cultural and institutional levels. We want to hear how an intersectional analysis informs your work. We want to hear your collective vision for a campus and a world without violence.
Please complete and submit the proposal form to by July 1, 2016. Please note that this panel will take place in the afternoon on the second day of the conference, August 11, and presentations will be 10-12 minutes in length.
We strongly encourage students to submit proposals for 50-minute sessions under the open call for proposals, in addition to this student-specific call for proposals.