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Upcoming Events

May 30, 2016

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Disrupting the Silence: Examining sexual assault in Canada

This panel, using feminist theoretical perspectives, will discuss issues pertaining to sexual assault in Canada.

Jun 02, 2016

Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Sexual Consent Conference

The Sexual Consent Conference is Central and Eastern Canada’s first academic and community-based research conference focused on issues of sexual consent from an intersectional, inter-sectorial approach. Hosted by Conference Chair Dr. Terry Humphreys, Canada’s sexual consent researcher and professor of psychology at Trent University, and the Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre, this conference promises to bring multi-sector interests and research together to address the complex issues of sexual consent.

Jun 08, 2016

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Stop the Abuse Conference: Connect to Prevent

Stop the Abuse: Connect to Prevent is Canada’s leading conference, providing professionals across all sectors the newest knowledge on domestic violence prevention. Domestic violence is defined as any form of physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse, including financial control, stalking and harassment. It occurs between opposite- or same-sex intimate partners, who may or may not be married, common law or living together. It can also continue after a relationship has ended.

Aug 10, 2016

Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

OUTA Sexual Violence Conference

Ontario Universities Taking Action Against Sexual Violence will take place at Queen’s University on August 10th and 11th, 2016. Queen's University is situated on the traditional territory of Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples. This conference will bring together researchers, university administrators, campus service providers, student advocates, and policymakers to exchange ideas and generate new knowledge about how best to prevent sexual violence in university contexts, from an anti-oppression framework.

Oct 14, 2016

University of Calgary, Alberta

AskFirst: A Symposium on Creating a Culture of Consent

Understanding how consent is perceived, communicated, interpreted, and acknowledged is a necessary first step toward proactive measures that prevent sexual harassment and assault. This is a priority area for campuses world-wide. Yet, there is a paucity of data on the understanding and experience of consent amongst Canadian postsecondary students and serious disagreement about what, exactly, consent means and how it can be asked for and granted.

Oct 18, 2016

Richmond, BC, Canada

Collaborating Across Systems: Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence against Women and Children

Focus: Strengthening Policies, programs, and Service Delivery Models to Prevent and Respond to Domestic Violence. Hosts: Ministry of Children and Family Development, Province of British Columbia and the Child Welfare League of Canada

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Relevant Resources

It’s Never Okay

The Government of Ontario

March 2015

We Believe in a Campus Free of Sexual Violence

OPRIG Kingston

Bailey Gerrits & Roxanne Runyon

September 2015

Use the Right Words: Media Reporting on Sexual Violence in Canada

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...


Lessons From Behind the Door

A community report addressing access to services in the responses to and the prevention of sexual violence against women and girls in the city and county of Peterborough

Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre


Kingston Youth Sexual Violence Prevention Assessment

Bailey Gerrits & Rebecca Rappeport


Commissioned by: Kingston & Frontenac Anti-Violence Coordinating Committee

In partnership with: Sexual Assault Centre Kingston & St. Lawrence Youth Association

May 2015

Draw the Line Campaign

Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres


Métis Women: Strong and Beautiful

National Aboriginal Health Organization 


Challenging Male Supremacy Project in New York City

RJ Maccani, Gaurav Jashnani and Alan Greig

June 2010

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